Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Irresistible Foods?

Why are certain foods difficult for people to resist eating? In the article “How The Food Makers Captured Our Brains” the author discuses how the makers of foods utilize the right combination of ingredients especially sugar, salt and fat to reach the perfect combination. The author referred to this combination as the “bliss point” which is a point where greatest pleasure is derived from the food. Great time and money is put into researching the “bliss point” because this keeps their consumers coming back for more and increasing the food makers’ profits. Foods rich in sugar, fat and salt are newer arrivals on the food market and maybe aiding to an atmosphere of “conditioned hyper eating” which the author explains as being a state at which people over eat due to an over stimulated food environment as opposed to just a lack of will power. The advice given by the author to defeat “conditioned over eating” is to have planned structured eating mixed with understanding your own personal food triggers and education on portion control. The author explains that “conditioned hyper eating” can be managed but not cured.
With America in the midst of an obesity crisis this article may explain a reason why people are having a tough time dieting and keeping weight off. Although food is now being engineered to be irresistible it seems like we all still have free will and the ability to make choices even though these choices are perhaps being made more difficult. The author advises planning and structuring eating and education on portion control. These definitely will help but until an individual makes a decision to take control over there life and to understand and take responsibility for there actions breaking a habit of over eating can be difficult if not impossible.

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